Respuesta :


The story recounts the last moments of the life of the Indian Pedro Huancayre (Rasu-Ñiti), a famous scissors dancer or dansak, who uses what little strength he has left to dance while he is dying, all of which he does accompanied by two musicians ( a violinist and a harpist), displaying a spectacular ceremony, witnessed by his wife and daughters, and his young disciple Atuq Sayku. Rasu-Ñiti dies in a trance and bequeaths to his disciple the Wamani or spirit of the mountain that manifests itself in the form of a condor, an Andean deity that made Rasu-Ñiti a famous dancer, according to the Andean vision.


El cuento relata los últimos instantes de la vida del indio Pedro Huancayre (Rasu-Ñiti), un célebre danzante de tijeras o dansak, quien utiliza sus pocas fuerzas que le quedan para danzar mientras agoniza, todo lo cual lo hace acompañado de dos músicos (un violinista y un arpista), desplegando un ceremonial espectacular, que presencian su mujer y sus hijas, y su joven discípulo Atuq Sayku. Rasu-Ñiti muere en trance y lega a su discípulo el Wamani o espíritu de la montaña que se manifiesta en forma de cóndor, una deidad andina que hizo de Rasu-Ñiti un celebre bailarín, de acuerdo a la visión andina.