Completa los espacios en blanco con los verbos modal:
• Can
• Could
• May
• Might
• Must
• Have to
• Should
• Would

1. My dad _________ speak English, Germán y italian.

2. You ________ see this american film, it's very good.

3. If i didn't hace children, i ______ travel around they world

4. I'm sorry but you _______ use my computer.

5. ________ i borrow your dictionary for a moment?

6. You _______. walk on they grass. It's forbidden

7. Helen ________ to go to the dentist yesterday

8. We _______ finish this project by the end of the month

9. Friend, _______ I go to the bathroom?

10. The teacher said that we ________ bring any books tomorrow

11. If I had money i______ buy a big house

12. Freddy ______ run faster than his brother Samuel

13. Richard is very late. He _______ have missed the school bus

14. He got up late so he _______ catch the 7:00 train

15. She won the competition so she _____ be very happy

16. Please, ________ you bring these parcels to Mrs. Garces?

17. Children ______ pay more attention to their teachers

18. When I was ten I ________ swim very well

19. ________ I go to the bathroom, please?

20. The lights are on. They ________ be home now

21. If I had a big company, i __________earn much money

22. If I don't buy him a present, i ________ call him

23. Mom _______ i go to the shopping center with Sofia?

24. All right, but don't forget you ______ to come back at 5 o' clock

25. It's very early so you _______hurry up!

Respuesta :

1. My dad can speak English, German, and Italian.

2. You have to see this American film, it’s very good.

3. If I didn’t had children, I would travel around the world.

4. I’m sorry but you can’t use my computer.

5. May I borro you dictionary for a moment?

6. You mustn’t walk on the grass. It’s forbidden.

7. Helen should have gone to the dentist yesterday.

8. We might finish this project by the end of the month.

9. Friend, may I go to the bathroom?

10. The teacher said that we can bring any books tomorrow.

11. If I had money, I would buy a big house.

12. Freddy can run faster than his brother Samuel.

13. Richard is very late. He might have missed the school bus.

14. He fit up late, so he couldn’t catch the 7:00 train.

15. She won the competition, so she must be very happy.

16. Please, can you bring these parcels to Mrs. Graces?

17. Children should pay more attention to their teachers.

18. When I was ten, I could swim very well.

19. May I go to the bathroom, please?

20. The lights are on. They should be at home now.

21. If I had a big company, I could earn much money.

22. If I don’t buy him a present, I should call him.

23. Mom, can I go to the shopping center with Sofia?

24. Al right, but don’t forget you have to come back at 5 o’ clock.

25. It’s very early, so you should hurry up!