President's Day. Columbus day. Thanksgiving. Saint.Patrick's day Independence day
Write a sentence for each celebration

Respuesta :

día del Presidente. Día de la Raza. acción de gracias. día de San Patricio. día de la Independencia escribe una oración para cada celebración

President's Day, this day celebrates the leadership of a man who has been able to carry the name of our nation high.

On this day, differences are put aside, where we all live in peace without discrimination based on skin color.

thanksgiving day was created with the purpose of sharing with the family, centered around a table giving thanks for everything

Saint Patrick's Day is a day where everyone dresses in green to remember this man who with a 3-leaf clover represented the father, son and Holy Spirit (holy trinity), this man he was british and you said he ran to snakes why it was said that snakes represented the devil

i have no idea what to say about independence day i'm so sorry

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