J8uan007ask J8uan007ask Inglés contestada Pregunta 61 puntoI____ _____ to order a hamburgerDo, likeWould, likeCould, likeMay, likeCan, likePregunta 71 puntoWhat are you doing?I watching tvI watch tvI am a doctorI am watching tvI am goodPregunta 81 puntoWhat’s going on in the office?Our boss is giving a speechThere is a problemOur boss has a problemThere is an accidentOur boss is not herePregunta 91 puntoMy favorite subject is Language ArtsWhat subject do you love?What subject you like more?What subject is your favorite?What subject do you like?What’s your favorite subject?Pregunta 101 puntoWhat do you like to do in your free time?I like to runningI do runningI love to runI like sushiI love art