Respuesta :
a) We're girls her names are Dafne and Ana.
b) They're boys he's names are Samuel and Tom
c) It's a dog its name is Sparki
d) I'm a doctor my name is Maria
e) She is an actress she's name is Karla
I like to do my hobbies ......
"Her" femenino
"he's" masculino
"its" Femenino o masculino
"my" femenino o masculino
"she's" femenino
En la ultima parte tienes que poner tus pasatiempos haci que tendrias que poner "I like to do my hobbies ......" y pones tus pasatiempos por ejemplo:
In my hobbies I like swimming, taking photos and learning English
(En mis pasatiempos me gusta nadar, hacer fotos y aprender inglés.)
III. Fill in the blanks with the appropiate possessive Adjective.
a. Our
b. Their
c. Its
d. My
e. Her
IV. Write a paragraph talking about your hobbies.
I love painting. It is my hobby. I paint with all kind of colors. I like to paint beautiful places. When I go on holidays with my family to different places like beaches, rivers, National Parks and Mountains, I always take my crayons, colors, everything I can to take for painting. I sit in front of the place and paint as I watch it. I find my hobby very special to me because it keeps my mind vivid and alive. I want to participate in Arts exhibition because I want to win a prize.