They _____ got a car.
a) not
b) do not
c) no
d) have not
_____ she like ice cream?
a) Do
b) Do not
c) Does
d) --
He never _____ vegetables.
a) eats
b) eat
c) is eating
d) are eating
What are you doing now? _____.
a) I study.
b) I be studying.
c) I am study.
d) I'm studying.

Respuesta :


1. a) Not

2. b) Does

3. a) Eats

4. d) I am studying


Espero que te sirva :)


1. They do not got a car.

a) not

b) do not

c) no

d) have not

2. Does she like ice cream?

a) Do

b) Do not

c) Does

d) --

3. He never eats vegetables.

a) eats

b) eat

c) is eating

d) are eating

4. What are you doing now? I'm studying.

a) I study.

b) I be studying.

c) I am study.

d) I'm studying.

Explicación: Recuerda‼

El do va con los pronombres:

  • I ➪ Yo
  • You ➪ Tú / Usted / Ustedes / Vosotros
  • We ➪ Nosotros / Nosotras
  • They ➪ Ellos / Ellas

El does va con los pronombres de la 3ra persona singular:

  • He ➪ Él
  • She ➪ Ella
  • It ➪ Eso / Cosa / Animal / Lugar