Llena los espacios hacienda uso del Presente Simple y del Verbo To Be

 My friend Joe __________ (learn) how to speak Spanish, He ___________ (love) watching horse-riding competitions and fixing computers. He has a team,  his team ___________ (like) traveling when they have competitions, their favourite country is Japan, because It __________ (have) few of the best swimmers around the world.

les agradezco​

Respuesta :


my friend joe learns how to speak spanish, he love watching horse riding

competitions and fixing computers ge has a team, his team like traveling when they have competitions, thir favourite conuntry is japan, because it have few of the best swimmers around the world.


la primera                       es por conjugacion de 3re persona del presente simple el resto no las conjugas ya que si vemos tienen cosas conjugadas con -ing y el ing noesta en el uso del presente simple y al final no se conjuga por que nos cuenta como un habito que es de lo que habla el presente simple.

creo q es asi, espero que te sirva y que este bien, para mi esta bien asi como lo puse :)