Correlative Conjuctions
Son pares de palabras que sirven para unir las ideas de una oración, ambas hay que usarlas correctamente para que la oración tenga sentido. Ejemplos de correlative conjuctions:
- “both/and,” “either/or,” “neither/nor,” “not/but” and “not only/but also.”
- Isabel is not only a great pianist, but also a brilliant mathematician
- Either my grandma or my mom will pick me up at the supermarket
- Wheter I get the job or not, I'm convinced that I possess extraordinary skills
- Neither Roberto nor Fernando could decode the puzzle mystery
- Both the tiger and the lion are carnivorous mammals
- In case of any emergency, either c-all me or my dad
- Both Nissan and Volkswagen are good car brands
- Good writers not only take the time to write their books, but also spend time revising them