13 Read the text and write sentences with must have, can’t have or might have and the correct form of the verbs in parentheses.
When I got home, the house was empty, but it looked as though my brother William and his girlfriend had been there because there were bags of supermarket shopping on the kitchen table. The bags hadn’t been unpacked, but there was a recipe book open on the kitchen table, and some vegetables next to it. The refrigerator door was open, but there were no dirty plates, or signs of a meal. In the living room, the TV was on, and my brother’s laptop was open. His e-mail account was open and his cell phone was next to the computer. His wallet and a $20-bill were lying on the table, and his jacket was on the couch. His girlfriend had left her handbag on the kitchen floor. The house was a mess! And lastly, there was a little bit of blood on the kitchen floor. What had happened?
1 They _____________ (go) to the supermarket. I was sure about that.
2 They _____________ (want) to do some cooking, but I’m not sure.
3 They _____________ (eat) anything, because there were no dirty plates anywhere.
4 One of them _____________ (watch) TV. I’m not sure.
5 William _____________ (receive) and sent some e-mails; that was clear.
6 William _____________ (make) a phone call, but I’m not sure about that.
7 He _____________ (need) his cell phone, because it was on the table.
8 They _____________ (leave) the house quickly – that’s for sure.
9 There _____________ (be) a robbery, because there was money on the table.
10 One of them _____________ (cut) a finger, which could explain why there was blood on the floor.