Escribe 10 oraciones positivas y negativas usando el verbo to be
Con las siguientes palabras:1:BORED 2: BRAVE 3: HUNGRY 4:SHY 5:EXAUSTED 6: PROUD 7:UNTROUBLED 8 :ASHAMED 9: KIND 10: HUMBLE​

Respuesta :


I AM a good student =yo no soy buen estudiante solo busca en g


1. Patrick is bored - Patrick isn't bored

2. She is brave - She isn't brave

3. I'm hungry - I'm not hungry

4. Mark is shy - Mark isn't shy

5. We are exhausted - We aren't exhausted

6. I'm proud of you - I'm not proud of you

7. Johnny is untroubled - Johnny isn't untroubled

8. They are ashamed - They aren't ashamed

9. You are kind - You aren't kind

10. She is humble - She isn't humble


Cuando se usa el verbo To be hay que recordar que I es igual a Am, He, She e It es igual a Is y You, We y They es igual a Are.

- I = Am.

- He, She, It = Is.

- You, We, They = Are.

Para usar el verbo To Be en forma negativa; se puede usar de dos formas.

Ejemplo: We aren't o We are not.

Cualquiera de las dos es valida.

Y por último, para decir o escribir el I Am se pone I'm o I Am.