ejercicios de presente pasado y futuro perfecto
Respuesta :
I go to the store.
I went to the store.
I will have gone to the store.
I write the book.
I wrote the book.
I will have written the book.
They spend a lot of money.
They spent a lot of money.
They will have spent a lot of money.
They begin the book.
They began the book.
They will have begun the book.
I sing.
I sang.
I will have sung.
I see.
I saw.
I will have seen.
I watch.
I watched.
I will have watched.
I learn.
I learned.
I will have learned.
I eat.
I ate.
I will have eaten.
espero que te sirva. DE NADA
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Cuadro Mágico Cual Te De Resultado 25 Con Los Números Siguientes 4,13,7,10,6,12,8,6,9
Caracteristicas Del Reportaje
Cual Es La Función Del Apice En El Crecimiento De La Plantula?
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100 Oraciones En Pasado Progresivo
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El Ancho De La Puerta Se Mide En
Como Se Llama El Palito De La Ñ
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