hola porfavor un texto comparando madrid y barcelona de al menos 100 palabras en ingles con superlativos y comparativos os doy 20 puntos y si respondeis sin saber os banneo

Respuesta :


What are the differences between Madrid and Barcelona in terms of culture and environment?

In my opinion many. The main one is the character of each city.

I always found Madrid aggressively sympathetic compared to how distantly I see Barcelona. To achieve the same thing, he never used the same terms and attitude in both places.

In Madrid he was "another one". The direct way in which the language is used in Madrid can seem very aggressive to someone who does not understand that it is part of being Spanish. Traditionally, Spain has been a very centralized state in La Metrópoli and for generations this seeps into character. In Madrid the most common position I saw was to wait for culture. Because the culture of the world, if it passes through Spain, has to pass through the capital.

On the other hand, Barcelona never had the institutional support that Madrid had. Despite being a two thousand year old city, not having been an imperial capital created a totally different character. In Madrid the nobles had palaces, there were embassies, royal academies, museums and theaters almost by political imperative, while Barcelona was an eminently rich city, but not the seat of power. That made Barcelona more daring to claim what it thinks it deserves.


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