Doctor: Hello, Manuela. Thanks for completing the questionnaire. Manuela: Hi, Dr. Oyuela. That's fine. I don't think the results will be good. I'm not very healthy. bottles for you Doctor body n breakf Doctor: Well, I need to ask a few questions. There's some information missing. Let's see. How much water Manue do you drink? Manuela: Well, I drink about eight glasses of water a day. and a p Doctor Manue Doctor: That's great! It's important to drink lots of and at water. You seem to eat a lot of chips. How many platesevenin of chips do you eat every week? Manuela: Oh. Chips are my favourite food. I probably eat three or four plates of chips in a week. Doctor: Well, I think that's too many. I'd like you to eat Doctor or unh Manue of heal fewer chips, please. They aren't very healthy for you, Doctor are they? means Manuela: No, they aren't. But I love them. Mmmm eat the with lots of salt and ketchup! vegeta Doctor: Ok... and... How much fizzy drink do you have? like yo How many bottles a week? Eat mc vegeta Manuela: I usually have about one or twobottles a day. I drink a lot of fizzy drink. I know it's bad for you, but I love it. Doctor: I'd like you to stop drinking fizzy drink. All your body needs is water. A glass of juice is OK with breakfast. Do you eat fruit and vegetables? Manuela: Yes, I do. I eat a bowl of fruit for breakfast and a plate of green salad for lunch. Doctor: That's great Manuela: Yes, I try to eat healthy food in the morning and at lunch time, so I can eat my favourite food in the sevening. Doctor: Ah ... I see. Do you think you eat more healthy or unhealthy dishes? Manuela: Mmm... I think that I eat a balanced diet .. tof healthy and unhealthy food. Doctor: I don't think you understand.
A balanced diet means eating from all the food groups. You need to eat the correct amount of protein, fruit and vegetables, dairy and grains. Looking at your diet, l'd like you to try to eat fewer chips and less fizzy drink. Eat more rice, chicken and fish and a wider variety of vegetables. Manuela: OK. Thank you, Dr. Oyuela. I'll give it a go.3. What does the doctor say about fizzy drinks? A. You don't need to have them. B. He loves fizzy drinks. C. You only need orange juice. 4. How is Manuela confused about a balanced diet? A. She eats too much unhealthy food and too much healthy food. B. She thinks it means eating the same amount of healthy and unhealthy food. C. She thinks it means getting the right balance across the food groups. 5. What does the doctor tell Manuela to do? A. He doesn't think she understands. B. He tells her to see the correct balance. C. He tells her to have less unhealthy food and drink. 1. What does the doctor think is good about Manuela's diet? A. She seems to eat a lot of chips. B. She drinks a lot of water. C. There's some information missing. 2. What does Manuela say about chips? A. She eats three or four plates of chips every day. B. She'd like to eat fewer chips. C. She loves them - especially with ketchup and drink