colaboracion con: 10 oraciones en presente simple, pasado simple,futuro simple y futuro progresivo grasias..

Respuesta :

1. He is going to eat. (Futuro)
2. He is thinking about it. (Gerundio del Presente)
3. He was watching the movie, when the phone rang. (Pasado)
4. He was going to buy it, but then he regretted it. (Pasado Continuo)
5. He will go to New York. (Futuro)
6. I am going to buy some stuff. (Futuro)
7. I had eaten a lot. (Pasado perfecto)
8. I have been thinking. ( Presente perfecto)
9. I don’t think so. (Presente negativo)
10. No, I wasn’t. (Pasado negativo)
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