Albertovgc10ask Albertovgc10ask Inglés contestada 5. Complete using the appropriate verb tease.-Where have you been? Ifor ages (wait)-My garden's a jungle. I any gardening for months (not do)-How's Maggie? 1her for ages (not see)-You're covered in hay, Max. Whatyou? (do)- We've discovered this great pub and wethere a lot (go)-I have to write a 300 word essay. 1 about half so far (write)it completely- That old house now looks fantastic. The owners (restore)- I'm exhausted. Iin the garden all day (work)-Maggie's gone to the doctor's. Shetoo well lately (not feel)-I think Maggie and Max are dating. Theya lot of each otherrecently (see)(practise) these tenses for three weeks now. Do you think Ihave made any progress.-She (gossip) about me, hasn't she. I can just feel it.